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Gender Services

For adults seeking assistance with gender issues, I provide assessments guided by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care.  The purpose of these assessments is to look at the nature of the gender issues a person is having and determine if these issues warrant a diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria/Incongruence. The assessment phase involves a combination of clinical interview and self-report measures and usually takes 3 - 6 sessions to complete.


Whilst there are a number of medical interventions appropriate to treat Gender Dysphoria, the purpose of a psychological assessments is not to recommend any particular treatment. Rather, the goal is to determine if a person has the capacity to provide informed consent with respects to any treatments they wish to pursue. 


The presence of additional mental health issues in and of itself is not problematic. However, it is recommended that any mental health issues should be as stable as possible, to ensure the best treatment outcomes.  The assessment can help determine if any additional therapy may benefit the person, should they wish to engage.


Wait-times for gender assessments vary depending on demand. Clients can self-refer, although if they obtain a referral from a GP or a Psychiatrist they will be eligible to access rebates under the Medicare Better Access Scheme.


For client's seeking support to access surgery, I do prefer that clients have first consulted with and secured a surgery date with their chosen surgeon prior to contact me. Typically surgery assessments need to be completed within a reasonably close time frame to your surgery date (e.g., 3-months, depending on surgeon's requirements).  


If you are interested in seeking an assessment please provide send your referral to Once your referral has been received, I will review it, and contact you to discuss availability.


NB: Not all clients presenting with gender issues will be interested or motivated to pursue medical interventions. Psychological therapy can assist individuals to explore their gender identity and develop skills and insight towards building a more accepting and comfortable self-identity.


Click here to see other services offered. 


Click here to learn more about fees and rebates. 


Transgender Support Groups/Sites


Transhub: TransHub is an ACON resource for all trans and gender diverse people in NSW who want to affirm their gender, and our loved ones, allies and health providers.


FTM Australia: FTM Australia is a peer based Australia-wide network offering links to contact for men identified ‘female’ at birth who medically transition to male in Australia.


Transgender Victoria: Transgender Victoria (TGV) work with and for, the trans and gender diverse (TGD) community as well as its allies, to create positive change in areas that impact the human rights of TGD people. 


QLife: Phone base support service 3pm - midnight daily. 


GenDA: Trans. social support group.


Seahorse Victoria: Trans. social support group.


Rainbow Network: Useful social support and community resources site.


Zoe Belle Gender Centre: Great community resource and support site.



Online Resources for Families

Trans Family: TransFamily is a Peer Support Group for parents, siblings, extended family and /or friends of a trans person. 

Parents of Gender Diverse Children

Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne: Gender Service

Transcend Support


Recommended Reading


True Selves: Understanding Transsexualism--For Families, Friends, Coworkers, and Helping Professionals 

Mildred L. Brown, Chloe Ann Rounsley


Helping Your Transgender Teen: A Guide for Parents 

Irwin Krieger


Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children 

by Diane Ehrensaft PhD


The Transgender Guidebook: Keys to a Successful Transition 

by Anne L Boedecker PhD


Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community

by Laura Erickson-Schroth


The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals

by Stephanie A. Brill, Rachel Pepper


Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working With Gender-Variant People and Their Families 

by Arlene Istar Lev


Principles of Transgender Medicine and Surgery (Human Sexuality)

by Randi Ettner, Stan Monstrey, Evan Eyler



Find us

23 Queensberry St

Carlton VIC 3053

p: 0419 447 113

f: 03 8414 2846


ABN: 53 137 482 394


© 2024 Ben Callegari Clinical Psychologist

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