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Neurodivergent Disorders

Neurodivergent disorders encompass various neurological and developmental conditions that affect how individuals process information, learn, behave and interact. Common neurodivergent conditions include:


• Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Differences in social communication and interaction
- Restricted or repetitive behaviours and interests
- Sensory sensitivities
- Variable support needs


• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- ADHD can present with different combinations of the following:

- Difficulties with attention and concentration
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsivity
- Executive function challenges

- Emotion dysregulation


• Dyslexia
- Difficulties with reading and written language
- Challenges with phonological processing
- May affect spelling and comprehension


• Dyspraxia
- Affects motor coordination
- Challenges with planning and organising movement
- May impact fine and gross motor skills


• Tourette Syndrome
- Characterised by tics (motor and vocal)
- Often co-occurs with other neurodivergent conditions


These conditions:
- Are natural variations in human neurology

- Present differently in each individual
- Often co-exist with other neurodivergent conditions
- Require individualised support approaches
- Are lifelong conditions that can be effectively managed with appropriate strategies and support

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23 Queensberry St

Carlton VIC 3053

p: 0419 447 113

f: 03 8414 2846


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